Curricula Food Science and Technology (FS&T)Theses in progress
Theses in progress
- Consumer perception of sustainability and acceptability of agri-food products (Ejona Boci) - cof. PNRR - CN Spoke 9 Agritech
- Sensory strategies to promote sustainable and healthy food behavior among children in
primary school canteens (Nicole Cattarin)
- The quality of monovarietal extra virgin olive oil: the phenolic, volatile and terpene content profiles for their authentication and shelf-life (Tommaso Ugolini)
- Circularity in agri-food production (D’Agostino Silvia) – NRRP Funds M. D.351 – Green Transition
- Food preferences in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy (Di Meglio Jaclyn)
- Capturing the dynamics of sensory and emotional experience for sustainable product innovation (Giuffrè Maria Rosaria) - NRRP Funds D.M. 352 – co-founded by L’Oréal, Paris
- Development of innovative microbial preparations for biocontrol in food and beverage production (Damiano Barbato) Faber IV fund, co-founded by FoodMicroTeam s.r.l.
- Non conventional inactivated dry yeasts and tannins: evaluation of their impact on the wine physicochemical and sensory characteristics (Valentina Civa)
- Development of innovative and sustainable meat products in Unicoop Firenze (Marina Domenici) – Industrial Doctorate UNICOOP Firenze
- Veggie Twist: new approaches to develop sensory-hedonic based interventions to promote healthier and more sustainable eating in school canteens (Margarita Kokkorou) – Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Agreement University of Florence (HEI) and JRC- Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
- MYPREFMED: individual food preferences for the Mediterranean Diet in cancer patients (Angelica Lippi)
- ALTERTASTE: improving food pleasure and intake in oncology patients receiving chemotherapy (Claudia Rorandelli)