XXXVIII ciclo Maria Rosaria Giuffrè


2nd year

Curriculum: Food Science and Technology

Supervisors: Prof.ssa Sara Spinelli e Prof Erminio Monteleone


Office address: Via Donizetti, 6 - 50144 Firenze

Mobile phone:   +39 3312597671


I am Maria Rosaria Giuffrè; I was born on 20/12/1993 in Reggio Calabria (RC).
I hold a bachelor’s degree in food technology at the University of Naples Federico II and a master’s degree in food science and technology at the University of Florence.
During my bachelor’s degree, I also participated in the Erasmus+ for Studies Program at the “École Supérieure des agricultures “of Angers-Loire (FR).
Following my master’s degree, I participated in the Erasmus+ Traineeship Program at the University of Barcelona, where I conducted a qualitative study on strategies to enhance the local agroecological product economy.
Currently, I am a PhD Student in Food Science and Technology at the SensoryLab, (University of Florence), in collaboration with L'Oréal, Research & Innovation.

Research interests and PhD project

My research focuses primarily on developing innovative methodologies to explore consumer preferences, emotional responses, and sensory perceptions during the use of personal care products, as well as examining memory retention following product use. These methods will contribute to the sensory-emotional profiling of sustainable personal care or food products, supporting the validation and promotion of ecological transition in production processes by understanding the impact of sustainable ingredients on product experience. In this work, I collaborate closely with the L'Oréal, Research & Innovation team.


  • Giuffrè, M.R., Pierguidi, L., Coubart, A., Dinnella, C., Charbonneau, A., Monteleone, E., Morizet, D., Spinelli, S. (2024). Capturing the sensory and emotional dynamics of cosmetic creams during a single usage through the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS), Temporal Dominance of Emotions (TDE), and Temporal Dominance of Emoji (TDEm). “Pubblicazione Atti del VIII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali, Alghero 22-24 maggio 2024” Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali 
  • Parenti, O., Zanoni, B., Giuffrè, M. R., & Guerrini, L. (2022). The effect of kneading speed on breadmaking from unrefined wheat flour dough. European Food Research and Technology, 248(2), 543-551.

Conference talks and seminars

  • SISS Best Sensory PhD Contribution Award 2023 (first year of PhD), for the written contribution presented at the 27th Workshop "The Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science, Technology, and Biotechnology," held in Portici (IT), University of Naples Federico II.
  • SISS Young Researchers Award 2024 (second year of PhD) for the written contribution and 10-minute oral presentation of the work "Capturing the Sensory and Emotional Dynamics of Cosmetic Creams During Use Through the Methods of Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS), Temporal Dominance of Emotions (TDE), and Temporal Dominance of Emoji (TDEm)" at the 8th National Conference of the Italian Society of Sensory Sciences (SISS), held in Alghero (IT) in collaboration with the University of Sassari, AGRIS Sardinia, and Smart Sensory Solutions.
  • 5-minute flash presentation (second year of PhD) and poster on the work "Capturing the Sensory and Emotional Dynamics of Cosmetic Creams During Use Through the Methods of Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS), Temporal Dominance of Emotions (TDE), and Temporal Dominance of Emoji (TDEm)" at the 11th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research 'A Sense of Global Culture' (EuroSense 2024), held in Dublin (IE).



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