Persone PhD CandidatesXXXVII ciclo Claudia Rorandelli
XXXVII ciclo Claudia Rorandelli
3rd year
Curriculum: Food Science and Technology
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Sara Spinelli e
Prof. Erminio Monteleone
Office address: Via Donizetti, 6 - 50144 Firenze
Mobile phone: +39 3341074018
Claudia Rorandelli (born in Florence on 25/07/1995) holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master’s degree in Food Science and Technology (110/110 cum laude) both from the University of Florence. Currently she is a PhD research fellow at the SensoryLab researching on how to measure chemosensory alterations in cancer patients and on the study of potential risk factors for their development.
Research interests and PhD project
Her main research interests deal with the study of consumers food preferences and acceptability, taste acuity and health. In her PhD project she collaborates with Careggi University Hospital (Florence) and Humanitas Research Hospital (Rozzano, Milan), collecting data on cancer patients in order to explore the relationships between different methodologies to assess chemosensory alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy (sensory tests and self-reported questionnaires), and to investigate potential risk factors for the development of taste disorders in terms of oral responsiveness and psychological traits. Information collected will provide valuable insights both for researchers, to develop effective chemosensory alteration procedures that can be applied in the clinical field, and for clinicians, offering them screening tools for early identification of patients at risk of alteration.
Rorandelli, C., Lippi, A., Spinelli, S., Pierguidi, L., Monteleone, E., & Dinnella, C. (2024). Remote testing for PROP taster status assessment using solutions and paper disks. Food Quality and Preference, 113, 105045.
Rorandelli, C., Lippi, A., Spinelli, S., Pierguidi, L., Monteleone, E., & Dinnella, C. (2022). Remote testing for PROP status assessment using solutions and paper disks, in Pubblicazione Atti del VII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali, Matera (Italia), 27-29 aprile 2022, Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali (in press).
Rorandelli, C., Spinelli, S., Monteleone, E. (2022). ALTERTASTE: improving food pleasure and intake in oncology patients receiving chemotherapy, in Proceedings of the 26th Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology, Asti (Italy), 19th-21st September 2022,
Conference talks and seminars
- September 2024, 11th Eurosense Conference, Dublin (Ireland). AWARD WINNER of the Pieter Punter E3S Student award, oral presentation: “Taste alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: methodological aspects and risk factors for their development”.
- May 2024, 8th Italian Sensory Science Society National Conference (SISS), Alghero (Italy). AWARD WINNER of the SISS young researcher award, oral presentation: “Taste alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: methodological aspects and risk factors for their development”.
- September 2023, 3rd Altered Taste Symposium, Lyon (France). Oral presentation: “Measuring taste alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or target therapy”.
- August 2023, 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Nantes (France). Poster presentation: “Measuring taste alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or target therapy”.
- September 2022, 26th Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology, Asti (Italy). Poster presentation: “ALTERTASTE: improving food pleasure and intake in oncology patients receiving chemotherapy”.
- September 2022, 10th Eurosense Conference, Turku (Finland). Poster presentation: “Remote testing for PROP status assessment using solutions and paper disks”.
- June 2022, 12th International Conference of Culinary Arts and Science (ICCAS), Lyon (France). Participation in the contest: “My PhD in 180 seconds”.
- April 2022, 7th Italian Sensory Science Society National Conference (SISS), Matera (Italy). AWARD WINNER of the Adacta International young researcher award, oral presentation: “Remote testing for PROP status assessment using solutions and paper disks”.