Dottorato di Ricerca in
Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari

Ricerca e alta formazione al servizio della sostenibilità dei sistemi agrari, forestali ed alimentari.

OSPP contest at the EGU General Assembly 2024.

OSPP contest at the EGU General Assembly 2024. The Ph.D. candidate Sara Pini won the Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) contest at the EGU General Assembly 2024

Premio Tournon.

Premio Tournon. The Ph.D. candidate Niccolò Renzi won the Award “Premio Accademia di Agricoltura 2023 Giovanni Tournon” 2023 for his publication “Modeling-based performance assessment of an indigenous macro-catchment water harvesting technique (Marab) in the Jordanian Badia” developed after his MSc thesis for the course in Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development

Afan de Rivera Award.

Afan de Rivera Award. The Ph.D. candidate Niccolò Renzi won the Award "Afan de Rivera" 2023, for his MSc thesis on the water harvesting technology of the Marab developed in the course in Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development

Annalisa Intermoia International Adacta Award 2024 to Angelica Lippi.

Annalisa Intermoia International Adacta Award 2024 to Angelica Lippi. The SISS & Adacta International Award in memory of Annalisa Intermoia was awarded to Angelica Lippi for the work "Rethinking food service in oncology hospitals: new directions to increase satisfaction and reduce food waste". 

SISS Young Researchers Award 2024.

SISS Young Researchers Award 2024. Doctoral students Claudia Rorandelli were awarded for the work "Taste alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: methodological aspects and risk factors for their development", Jaclyn Di Meglio for the work "Changes in food preferences and emotions elicited by foods in oncological patients with chemosensory alterations in the initial phases of antineoplastic treatment" and Maria Rosaria Giuffrè for the work" Capturing the sensorial and emotional dynamics of cosmetic creams during their use using the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS), Temporal Dominance of Emotions (TDE) methods ) and Emoji Temporal Dominance (TDEM).” 

SISS Best Sensory Phd Contribution Award 2023 to Maria Rosaria Giuffré.

SISS Best Sensory Phd Contribution Award 2023 to Maria Rosaria Giuffré. The SISS Best Sensory Phd Contribution Award 2023 was awarded to doctoral student Maria Rosaria Giuffré for the first year of her doctorate, as part of the 27th Workshop "The Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology”, held in Portici.

Giract Best PhD Thesis Award for 1st year PhD Students.

Giract Best PhD Thesis Award for 1st year PhD Students. The winner is Margarita Kokkorou

PhD pitches in 180 seconds.

PhD pitches in 180 seconds. The winner is Margarita Kokkorou

SISS & Adacta International Award in memory of Annalisa Intermoia Young Researchers.

SISS & Adacta International Award in memory of Annalisa Intermoia Young Researchers. The winner is Claudia Rorandelli

SISS Young Researchers Award 2022.

SISS Young Researchers Award 2022. The winner are Angelica Lippi e Julia Sick

E3S Eurosense Student Awards.

E3S Eurosense Student Awards. The winner is Julia Sick


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