XXXVIII ciclo Damiano Barbato


2nd year

Curriculum: Food Science and Technology

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Lisa Granchi

Email: damiano.barbato

Office address: Via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze

Mobile phone:  +39 3296175765


I am Damiano Barbato, i was born in Empoli (Florence). I graduated at the University of Florence where i obtained a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in Food Sciences and Technologies (110/110 cum laude). I am also interested in mountain activities and sports

Research interests and PhD project

My research interests deal with foods microbiology and fermented drinks (wine, craft beer, cider).


  • Guerrini, S., Barbato, D., Mangani, S., Ganucci, D., Buscioni, G., Galli, V., ... & Granchi, L. (2023). Management of in-Amphora “Trebbiano Toscano” Wine Production: Selection of Indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains and Influence on the Phenolic and Sensory Profile. Foods, 12(12), 2372.
  • Guerrini, S., Barbato, D., Mangani, S., Mari, E., Buscioni, G., Ganucci, D., ... & Granchi, L. (2023). Utilization of the AIRMIXING MI™ System in Producing Red Wine without Added Sulphites. Fermentation, 9(9), 812.
  • Guerrini, S., Galli, V., Barbato, D., Facchini, G., Mangani, S., Pierguidi, L., & Granchi, L. (2023). Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Starmerella bacillaris on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of sparkling pear cider (Perry). European Food Research and Technology, 249(2), 341-352.
  • Galli, V., Venturi, M., Guerrini, S., Mangani, S., Barbato, D., Vallesi, G., & Granchi, L. (2023). Exploitation of Selected Sourdough Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains for the Production of a Craft Raspberry Fruit Beer. Foods, 12(18), 3354.
  • Galli, V., Romboli, Y., Barbato, D., Mari, E., Venturi, M., Guerrini, S., & Granchi, L. (2021). Indigenous Aureobasidium pullulans strains as biocontrol agents of Botrytis cinerea on grape berries. Sustainability, 13(16), 9389.
  • Guerrini, S., Barbato, D., Guerrini, L., Mari, E., Buscioni, G., Mangani, S., ... & Granchi, L. (2021). Selection of Indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains and Exploitation of a Pilot-Plant to Produce Fresh Yeast Starter Cultures in a Winery. Fermentation, 7(3), 99.
  • Guerrini, S., Mari, E., Barbato, D., & Granchi, L. (2019). Extra virgin olive oil quality as affected by yeast species occurring in the extraction process. Foods, 8(10), 457.

Conference talks and seminars

  • 06/2024 AISSA 2024. Poster. “Selection of indigenous Metschnikowia pulcherrima strains for grape bioprotection.” Barbato D., Mari E., Buscioni G., Guerrini S., Granchi L.
  • 05/2024 ENOFORUM SARAGOZA 2024. Poster. “Biodiversity of the microbiota associated with the production process of "Passito" wines.” Barbato D., Mangani S., Mari E., Buscioni G., Guerrini S., Granchi L.
  • 08/2023 YEAST 2023 Florence. Poster “Diversity of wine yeasts communities associated with social wasps occurring in the vineyard, at harvest time, in three DOCG areas in Tuscany.” Barbato D., Galli V., Mari E., Guerrini S., Cantini M., Rosi M. C., Granchi L.
  • 05/2023 ENOFORUM VICENZA 2024. Poster “Biodiversity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during spontaneous white wine fermentations in earthenware Amphorae.” Barbato D., Mari E., Ganucci D., Mangani S., Buscioni G., Guerrini S., Granchi L.


  • International Soldera Case Basse award for young researchers 2018 ed. “Assessment of the characteristics of grapes and wines from typically southern and centralsouthern Italian grape varieties grown in an excellent Sangiovese production area in the 2018 vintage.”

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