XXXIX ciclo Ejona Boci


1st year

Curriculum: Food Science and Technology

Supervisor: Prof.sse Sara Spinelli e Caterina Dinnella


Office address: Via Donizzetti, 6, 50144 Firenze

Mobile phone:  


Ejona Boci obtained a bachelor's degree in Food Technology and a master's degree in Food Science and Technology, both from the University of Florence. During the year 2020, she worked on a bursary at SensoryLab, the Sensory Science Laboratory of University of Florence.

Since 2021, she has been managing the secretariat of the European Sensory Science Society (E3S) and during the years 2022/2023, she worked as a Quality Assurance within a food company in Monsummano Terme.

Since November 2023, Ejona started her PhD in Sustainable Management of Agricultural Forestry and Food Resources at the University of Florence.

Research interests and PhD project

Ejona's primary research interests center around food choices and preferences, sustainable consumer behavior, and individual differences in sensory perception. Her PhD project focuses on enhancing current methodologies to better study consumer expectations and their impact on product experience.

Conference talks and seminars

  • Boci E. 28th Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD research on Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology, 18th -20th September 2024, Catania (Italy) – Poster Presentation, Vincitrice del premio SISS
  • Boci E., Dinnella C., Verdi L., Venturi M., Monteleone E., Spinelli S. “Il metodo del Text Highlighting per misurare le attitudini alla sostenibilità” VIII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali – Alghero, 22-24 May 2024 – Flash Presentation
  • Boci E., Dinnella C., Verdi L., Venturi M., Monteleone E., Spinelli S. “The Text Highlighting Method for measuring attitudes toward sustainability” 12th European Sensory Science Society E3S Annual Symposium 2024 – Vincitrice della Student Competition


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