XXXVII ciclo Angelica Lippi


3rd year

Curriculum: Food Science and Technology

Supervisor: Prof. Erminio Monteleone, Prof.ssa Sara Spinelli, 
Prof.ssa Agnès Giboreau (Institut Paul Bocuse)


Office address: Via Donizetti, 6 - 50144 Firenze

Mobile phone: +39 3427507437


Angelica Lippi holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Health Psychology and Neuropsychology from the University of Florence (110/110 cum laude).

In 2018 she spent a research period at Stirling University (UK) working on children emotional assessment. In 2019 she worked at Meyer Children Hospital (Cancer Unit) in Florence as psychologist trainee. Afterwards, she carried out a research activity on theoretical aspects of food perception, cognition and psychology at the Department of Psychology University of Florence (Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Pharmacology, and Child Health – NEUROFARBA). From February 2020 she is a member of the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany.

Currently, she is a PhD research fellow at the SensoryLab researching on individual food preferences for the Mediterranean diet in cancer patients. Angelica’s PhD project aims at exploring the impact of different variables such as personality traits, taste responsiveness, sensory alterations etc. on food preferences in cancer patients undergoing anticancer therapies. Furthermore, the project intends to develop innovative food products tailored to cancer patients using a co-creation approach.

Research interests and PhD project

Angelica´s PhD project focuses on the study of the cancer patients’ preferences for the Mediterranean diet. Specifically, the study will explore the role of sensory sensitivity, emotions and personality traits in food preferences in cancer patients, in order to design and validate innovative food. My research interests deal with multimodal perception, human sensory and hedonic responses to food, cognitive psychology (emotions and memory), neuroscience, food preference and health psychology.


  • Lippi, A., Dinnella, C., Spinelli, S., Giboreau, A., Mourier, V., & Monteleone, E. (2024). Modulating taste and trigeminal sensations in food models to assess individual variations in sensory and hedonic responses to food. Clinical Nutrition Open Science.
  • Rorandelli, C., Lippi, A., Spinelli, S., Pierguidi, L., Monteleone, E., & Dinnella, C. (2024). Remote testing for PROP taster status assessment using solutions and paper disks. Food Quality and Preference, 113, 105045
  • Addarii, F., Gabrielloni, G., Lippi, A., Turchi, F., Forabosco, G., Vagnoli, L., 2020. Humor creation among school pupils: age and gender differences. RISU, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 54-72

Conference talks and seminars

  • May 2024, the 8th Italian Sensory Science Society Conference Alghero (IT). AWARD WINNER Adacta International award for young researchers: “Rethinking food service in in cancer hospitals: a new direction to increase liking and reduce food waste”. Oral presentation “Insights on general taste alterations in cancer patients undergoing therapy: exploring personality traits, food attitudes and sensory-hedonic responses to food”
  • September 2023 Altered Taste Symposium. Workshop “Specially designed drinks to assess individual variations”. Oral presentation “Modulating taste properties in a food model: a tool to assess individual variations in sensory and hedonic responses to food”
  • August 2023, 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium poster presentation with video contribution TOP POSTER AWARDED: “Modulating taste properties in a food model: a tool to assess individual variations in sensory and hedonic responses to food”.
  • September 2022, 10th Eurosense Conference, Turku (Finland): poster presentation of the study “The priming effect of PROP bitterness perception on affective and emotional responses”.
  • June 2022, International Conference on Culinary Arts and Science (ICCAS), Lyon (France): conference attendance and participation in the contest "My PhD in 180 seconds" (2nd classified).
  • April 2022, Scientific seminar on Nutrition/Eating Behavior- Institut Paul Bocuse Recherche Lyon- oral presentation (online): “MYPREFMED- Individual food preferences for the Mediterranean diet in cancer patients”
  • April 2022, Italian Sensory Science Society VII Conference (SISS), Matera (Italy). AWARD WINNER young SISS research award: oral presentation of the study “The priming effect of PROP bitterness perception on trustworthiness attribution”.

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