XL ciclo Chiara Gelici


1st year

Curriculum: Wine Economics and Rural Development

Supervisos: Proff.  Leonardo Casini and Fabio Boncinelli


Office address:  Piazzale delle Cascine 18, 50144 Firenze

Mobile phone:   


I am Chiara Gelici, born on January 18, 1998, in Lucca (LU). I hold a Bachelor's degree in Food Technology and a Master's degree in Food Science and Technology (110/110 cum laude, April 29, 2024) both from the University of Florence. From July 2023 to October 2023, I worked as a research fellow at the University of Florence, where I am currently continuing as a PhD student in Sustainable Management of Agricultural, Forestry, and Food Resources.

Research interests and PhD project

I am interested in investigating consumer behaviors and preferences for food products with environmental and socio-economic sustainability attributes through the use of experimental economics methods. My PhD project aims to offer significant methodological insights and knowledge to support researchers, companies, and policymakers in the agri-food sector.

Conference talks and seminars

  • Gelici C., Boncinelli F., Secci G., Parisi G. “Utilizzo di strumenti impliciti per promuovere il consumo di pesce povero nei ristoranti”. Poster. V Convegno Aissa#under40, 26 – 27 Giugno 2024, Firenze (FI), Italia. – Riconoscimento: Menzione d'onore.




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