XL ciclo Giuliano Secchi


1st year

Curriculum: Forest economics, planning and wood science

Supervisos: Dott.ssa Francesca Giannetti


Office address:  Via San Bonaventura 13, 50145, Firenze

Mobile phone:   


I am Giuliano Secchi, I was born in Florence on 30/04/1999 and I grew in the countryside in the municipality of Greve in Chianti. After the scientific high school (Liceo Gobetti, Bagno a Ripoli), I graduated with honours at the University of Florence (UniFi) where I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Foresty and Environmental Sciences and a Master degree in Sciences and Technologies of the forestry systems, focusing in biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest management, but also precision forestry and remote sensing. My Master degree thesis has been conduced about monumental trees, dealing with their ecological value and their ecophysiology. After that, I have been working for five months with the Department DAGRI with a research fellowship in the “Development of models and platforms for forest planning and for application of silvicultural models”.

Research interests and PhD project

Silviculture, forest planning, forest ecology, ecosystem services, precision forestry.
Member of an European Horizon project "SMURF" (Sustainable Management models and valUe chains foR small Forests), HORIZON-CL6-2023-CircBio-01-12

My PhD project ("Close to Nature silviculture models for small scale forest holdings") is dealing with the problems of the fragmentation of forest ownership and on the developing of sustainable forest management models in an European context. It is founded on the European Horizon project "SMURF" and it is based on the cooperation with associations of forest owners and with the other European partners of the project.

I am a member of the Association AUSF Firenze, local committee of the International Forestry Student Association (IFSA), for which I am responsible of the project “Didactical Chestnut Wood”.

I am also member of the Association “ProSilva Italia” and I participate to the scientific network of the Association.

In my extra-professional life, I am involved in the youth movement “Operation Mato Grosso”, that aims to sensitize youth to the problems of poorness and act to finance humanitarian missions in South America.


  • Borselli, L., Castelli, G., Secchi, G., Nsabiyumva, J. M. V., Preti, F. 2022. Optimal design of terraced landscapes: sensitivity analysis of geomechanical and bio mechanical parameters. ResearchGate.
  • Giannetti et al. (2024). L’importanza del Monitoraggio della Salute Forestale e il ruolo dei droni e delle camere multispettrali. Sherwood Digital
  • Secchi G., Ragazzini G., Celestini D. 2024. Il castagneto didattico innovativo e sperimentale di AUSF Firenze. Sherwood.

Conference talks and seminars

  • Secchi, G., Travaglini, D., Giambastiani, Y., Zorzi I., Milazzo, G., Massai, L., Picardo, A., Giannetti, F. 2024. SMURF - Closer to nature silviculture among small-scale forest proprietors. SISEF Annual Conference Contribute.



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