XXXIX ciclo Claudia Gagliardi


1st year

Curriculum: Forest economics, planning and wood science

Supervisor: Prof. Marco Fioravanti


Office address:  Via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze

Mobile phone:   


I am Claudia Gagliardi, born in Florence in 2000. l hold a Bachelor’s degree in Diagnostic tools and Materials for Conservation and Restoration, obtained at University of Florence in 2021, and a Master’s degree in Science and Materials for Conservation and Restoration (110/110 cum laude), in 2023 with a thesis entitled “Non-invasive optical techniques for the material and structural analysis of a panel painting by Cosmè Tura”. Currently I’m a PhD student in Sustainable Management of Agricultural, Forestry, and Food Resources.

Research interests and PhD project

My research interests center around the application of scientific tools and technologies in the study of cultural heritage materials (CH), focusing on the conservation of wooden works of art.





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