XXXVIII ciclo Silvia Calvani


2nd year

Curriculum: Forest economics, planning and wood science

Supervisor: Prof. Enrico Marchi


Office address: via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze

Mobile phone:  +39 3493719924


I am Silvia Calvani, I was born in Bari on 25/11/1992. I hold a Master Degree in Science and Technologies of Forestry System (LM-73), obtained at University of Florence on June 2020 (110/110).

 In 2019 I had a pre-graduate internship at Regione Toscana, Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Development; Forestry; Civic Uses and Agro-Environment (Florence).

After graduation (2021) I had a research fellowship for 6 months on the project “Nature-based solutions (SBN) for recovery and installation of forest systems in urban and peri-urban environment and for implementation of Ecosystem Service Provision (ES): Case Study and Best Practice Database and Evaluation ex-ante of suitable forest propagation material”, at University of Florence, with Prof. Fabio Salbitano, funded by the Food and Agricolture Organization (FAO).

Following (2021-2022) I had a research grant for 1 year on the project “Analysis of participatory pathways for assessing the citizens’ perception of fire risk in pilot municipalities”, at University of Florence, with Prof. Enrico Marchi, related to the programme MED-Star Interreg Marittimo IT-FR.

The last education experience I had was in 2022, during the research grant: the participation to the course PyroLife TE 3 ‘Making Change in Wildfire Management: Science Policy Interaction’, a European Research and Training Network on Integrated Wildfire Management, hold by European Forest Institute (EFI) and European University of Cyprus (Cyprus).

During my first years of PhD studies I focused in the risk perception analysis, about wildfires, developing the research in Italy and Spain mainly.

Research interests and PhD project

The general topic of my research is wildfire, in terms of behaviour, effects and perception by communities living on fire-prone territories. Wildfires behaviour and drivers are changing due to climate change conditions, thus increasing the need for a deeper focus on fire prevention instead of suppression. The research starts from the analysis of people perception in order to build a paradigm switch, according to the current ecology conditions.


  • 01/2024 – “Governance drivers hinder and support a paradigm shift in wildfire risk management in Italy”, J. A. Kirschner, D. Ascoli, P. Moore, J. Clark, S. Calvani, G. Boustras. Regional Environmental Change 24, 13 (2024).
  • 08/2022 – “Una app per mappare i combustibili delle foreste e mitigare il rischio d’incendio” Frassinelli N., Marra E., Neri F., Fabiano F., Paoloni R., Calvani S., Pecchi M., Foderi C., Rivista Sherwood, 2022
  • 12/2019 – “Monte Serra (Pi, Italy) Post-Fire Analysis: Forest Restoration Dynamics, Erosion Control And Hydrologic-Hydraulic Processes”, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019, abstract #NH43C-0955

Conference talk and seminars

  • 06/2024 - 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics and 10th International Degrowth Conference, Pontevedra, Spain, 202403/2023 – Oral presentation about the research activities, S. Calvani, Working Group 2 meeting of the FireCost Action CA18135 "Fire in the Earth System: Science and Society", Málaga (SP), 2023
  • 11/2023 – Oral presentation “A novel geomorphological approach to evaluate post-fire emergency rehabilitation works through the RPII index”, S. Calvani, C. Foderi, E. Marchi, F. Preti, 6th World Landslide Forum, Firenze, 2023
  • 06/2022 - Esposizione poster “Progetto MED-Star - Analisi di percorsi partecipativi per la valutazione della percezione del rischio incendi in comuni pilota”, S. Calvani, C. Foderi, F. Salbitano, E. Marchi, XIII Congresso SISEF, Orvieto (TR), 2022
  • 05/2022 - Presentazione orale “MED-Star project - Analysis of participatory pathways for assessing the citizens’ perception of fire risk in pilot municipalities”, S. Calvani, C. Foderi, F. Salbitano, E. Marchi, 3rd International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk, Alghero, 2022
  • 02/2022 – Report di progetto “Scambio di esperienze MED-Star Toscana - Livorno, 07-08/02/2022 - C.4.2 Rapporti sugli eventi di formazione congiunta e sugli scambi di esperienza organizzati per la definizione di modelli di gestione territoriale e degli incendi”, S. Calvani, N. Frassinelli, 2022

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