Theses in progress

XXXVI cycle

XXXVII cycle

  • Assessing climate changes impact on fog in future: consequences for fog water harvesting projects and tropical montane cloud forests (Eleonora Forzini)
  • Understanding and quantifying the contribution of Ecosystems to the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Mediterranean (Enrico Lucca).
  • Development and integrated applications of drones and sensors for detection and management of greenhouse gases from agro-livestock systems (Marco Merlini)
  • Precision agriculture techniques and technologies for digitization, connectivity and traceability in the olive-growing sector (Carolina Perna)
  • Measure and Modelling throughfall and hydrological response from the plot to the catchment scale (Matteo Verdone)



  • Methodologies and indicators for sustainable water resources management in the Italian agri-food sector (Niccolò Renzi)
  • Study of methodological approaches for monitoring biodiversity in Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) interventions using soil and water bioengineering techniques (SWBE) (Emanuele Giachi)
  • Analysis of atmospheric greenhouse gas dispersion in dairy cattle farms (Alessio Mattia)


XXXIX cycle

  • Multi-scale analysis of suspended sediment in a nested catchment in the Apennine mountains (Diletta Chirici)
  • Innovations in Soil and Water Bioengineering as Nature-Based Solutions (Sara Pini)

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